Wonder Bar, Asbury Park
More @new55film, this time negative first, then print. On the one hand, the print doesn’t handle large areas of light colors particularly well. Skies in particular wind up with lots of “stuff” on the print that isn’t on the negative. On the other hand, that’s kind of part of the magic. Part of me wants that fixed, and part hopes it never is. The sleeve stop on this shot failed. It came out too far, then wouldn’t go back in all the way after the shot. Famous Format says they have a fix for that, but it will have to wait until they order a new batch of sleeves, probably in a few months. This is an issue I *definitely* would like to see solved. That failure ended my photography for the day (which was okay because I had taken three shots and that was about what I wanted to do), because I needed to leave the holder on the camera until I could get home and in to a dark room to salvage the shot. #new55film #new55 #speedgraphic #largeformat #film #filmphotography #staybrokeshootfilm #jerseyshore #boardwalk
Mon Feb 25 2019